Huntsville, AL (February 22, 2019) – Future Designs, Inc. (FDI), a full service engineering design and production company, announced today the availability of μEZ® Version 2.10. μEZ is FDI’s open source rapid development platform based around the popular FreeRTOS ™ Operating System. The latest version of μEZ provides new and existing customers with additional security features, communication protocols, compiler support and remote monitoring options.
μEZ v2.10 Release Features:
- FreeRTOS upgraded to version 9.0: The FreeRTOS upgrade enables the use of new or updated software libraries such as Modbus, SystemView, and LWIP.
- SEGGER RTT added: With SEGGER RTT it is possible to output information from a µEZ GUI or send it inputs at very high speeds without affecting the µEZ GUI’s real time behavior. SEGGER RTT can be used with any J-Link model and any supported µEZ GUI providing background memory access. SEGGER RTT supports multiple channels in both directions, up to the host and down to the target, which can be used for different purposes and provide the most freedom to the user. The default implementation uses one channel per direction, which is meant for printable terminal input and output. With the SEGGER J-Link RTT Viewer this channel can be used for multiple “virtual” terminals, allowing SEGGER RTT to print to multiple windows (e.g. one for standard output, one for error output, one for debugging output) with just one target buffer. For example, an additional up (to host) channel can be used to send profiling or event tracing data. For more information please visit SEGGER’s website at:
A client application is included with the J-Link software package and select IDEs.
- SEGGER SystemView added: SEGGER SystemView is a real-time recording and visualization tool for embedded systems that reveals the true runtime behavior of an application, going far deeper than the system insights provided by debuggers. This is particularly effective when developing and working with complex embedded systems comprising multiple threads and interrupts. SystemView can ensure a system performs as designed, can track down inefficiencies, and show unintended interactions and resource conflicts, with a focus on details of every single system tick. In addition, with the SystemView terminal, debug message can be tracked per thread with timestamps. Message output also includes warning and error types with uniquely colored icons. SystemView can be turned on in all projects with a simple build switch. J-Link Ultra+ recommended for serious debugging. For more information on SystemView please visit the SEGGER website at:
- Enhanced Wi-Fi communications support: The Telit Wi-Fi driver was updated to use threading and interrupt driver inputs/outputs for faster information processing.
Download μEZ v2.10 here:
Learn more about μEZ here:
Learn more about SEGGER RTT here:
Learn more about SEGGER SystemView here:
About Future Designs, Inc.
Future Designs, Inc. is a full service design and production company that specializes in transforming “back-of-a-napkin” concepts into tangible product plans. FDI offers its customers hardware, software, mechanical, and system-level expertise and a 26-year history of proven success to provide any level of support from prototyping through high volume production. Our ELI®, μEZ® GUI and ΣyG™ product families for touchscreen LCD graphical user interface and human machine interface applications are “off-the-shelf” solutions for quick and cost effective upgrades to user interfaces. FDI is committed to minimizing your time-to-market, reducing costs and eliminating your product-development headaches. More information on Future Designs, Inc. can be found at