(Huntsville, Alabama — April 07, 2010)
Future Designs Inc., a member of the ARM Connected Community, announces the release of an updated version of the USB‐ICP‐LPC2K in circuit programmer. This latest version now supports NXP’s ARM® CortexTM‐M0 processor‐based LPC1100 series and the Cortex‐M3 processor‐based LPC1300, LPC1700 families.
The updated USB‐ICP‐LPC2K still provides support for the ARM7TM processor family‐based LPC2xxx family and now includes a mini‐ISP cable to program the SOMDIMM‐LPC2478 from FDI. The USB‐ICP‐LPC2K is part of the USB‐ICP Family on programmers, which also includes the USB‐ICP‐80C51ISP and the USB‐ICP‐LPC9XX. The USB‐ICP‐LPC9xx supports NXP’s popular LPC9xx family and the USB‐ICP‐80C51ISP supports NXP’s 80C51 Flash based family of microcontrollers.
The USB‐ICP Family utilizes In‐System Programming (ISP) and In‐Circuit Programming (ICP) on NXP’s family of microcontrollers that support these programming methods. The USB‐ICP programmers use a simple 2 wire serial interface to program and erase devices without removing them from the system.
The USB‐ICP‐LPC9xx and USB‐ICP‐80C51ISP are priced at $69.00, and the USB‐ICP‐LPC2K is priced at $79.00. All three versions are available from Digi‐Key, Mouser, LPC Tools, and All American Semiconductor and can usually be shipped from stock the same day they are ordered. Read more about Future Designs’ USB‐ICP Family on the Connected Community website here.