Huntsville, AL (June 01, 2016) Future Designs, Inc. (FDI), a full service engineering design and production company, congratulates Tyler England as recipient of the University of Alabama in Huntsville’s (UAH) Paul Michael Salmon Outstanding Engineering Design Award for the “S.M.A.R.T. Mirror” design. England, and two additional UAH students, Adam Ferguson and Robert Nutting, were granted 1st place for the annual award. The “S.M.A.R.T. Mirror” is a fully enclosed, easy to use and customizable user experience that provides voice activated lighting control for a variety of end applications. The project was completed as England’s Electrical Engineering Senior Design Project.
The Paul Michael Salmon Outstanding Engineering Design was created in 2007 by the UAH Electrical and Computer Engineering Department to honor former student Paul Michael Salmon for his extraordinary determination and spirit. Salmon, a dean’s list student majoring in Computer Engineering, passed away shortly before his graduation in Fall 2006. A competition is held each Spring for engineering designs as a lasting tribute to Salmon.
Tyler England is an engineer for Future Designs, Inc. He began his employment in January 2015 as a co-op while pursuing his degree in Electrical Engineering from UAH. After his graduation in Spring 2016, England joined the FDI team as a full-time employee for its hardware and software systems. His work supports FDI’s mEZ® GUI and ELI® platforms and he develops custom designs for FDI’s service customers.
About Future Designs, Inc.
Future Designs, Inc. is a full service design and production company that specializes in transforming “back-of-a-napkin” concepts into tangible product plans. FDI offers its customers hardware, software, mechanical, and system-level expertise and a 26-year history of proven success to provide any level of support from prototyping through high volume production. Our ELI®, uEZ® GUI and ΣyG™ product families for touchscreen LCD graphical user interface and human machine interface applications are “off-the-shelf” solutions for quick and cost effective upgrades to user interfaces. FDI is committed to minimizing your time-to-market, reducing costs and eliminating your product-development headaches. More information on Future Designs, Inc. can be found at
Contact for Future Designs, Inc.:
Kent Lowman
Future Designs, Inc.
[email protected]