(Huntsville, Alabama — July 21, 2015)
uEZ v2.07, released at the end of June 2015, has some exciting new features worth noting. In addition to general improvements to the code base four new features have been added:
- FreeModbus TCP/IP
- Long File Name support
- USB HID driver
FreeModbus TCP/IP was ported and tested in uEZ in conjunction with a high volume customer to ensure stable integration. Modbus has been used in industrial electronics for many years and has become a de facto standard communication protocol because it was developed with industrial applications in mind and is available royalty-free. The µEZ FreeModbus port offers the following features:
- Read Input Register
- Read Holding Registers
- Write Single Register
- Write Multiple Registers
- Read/Write Multiple Registers
- Read Coils
- Write Single Coil
- Write Multiple Coils
- Read Discrete Inputs
- Report Slave ID
In addition to the above features, the uEZ port supports up to five simultaneous connections and configurable timeouts. We have also extended the Network API to retrieve the IP address of the connected device, thus allowing IP based security, a feature that is becoming more important every day.
Based on customer feedback, the File System has also been updated from FatFs R0.06 to R0.11, with this updated version Long File Name support is finally available. Your application no longer needs to be limited to the 8.3 format.
Note: Long File Name support on a FAT volume is owned by Microsoft and requires the end customer to obtain the appropriate license. Changes to the File System are backwards compatible with previous version of uEZ.
The USB HID, Human Interface Device, driver was implemented for a high-volume medical customer so their uEZ GUI could communicate with a smart battery system. In this application the uEZ GUI reads the batteries HID reports and displays the information to the user so they know when the unit needs to be charged and how much run time they can expect from the battery.
In addition to the generic driver, two examples are also available to show how to communicate with a USB Keyboard and a USB Mouse. With the new driver you add can existing off the shelf USB HID based sensors and devices to your product or create your own slave device that meets the needs of your application.
In addition to the new features of uEZ v2.07, FDI has several new software additions in the testing phase now, that we are planning to release in v2.08, Q3 2015 and here is a sneak peek. Planned new features include; SSL, http client, xml parser, and USB Test and Measurement Class. 2015 is going to be an exciting year for uEZ so stay connected to see what is in store.
Chris Stocker
Sr. Software Engineer