Once a week Future Designs, Inc. rounds up the news that got us talking. Here’s highlights for the week ending December 4, 2015:
- Renesas and NXP both launched Wi-Fi Cloud Connectivity Kits for the accelerated development of IoT solutions this week and while time will tell which kits pulls out ahead, FDI is on standby to support customers eager to give the Renesas RX111 Wi-Fi Cloud Connectivity Kit a go.
- Renesas Press Release: https://bit.ly/1PYtRVf
- NXP Press Release: https://bit.ly/1QeRCaj
- FDI RX111 Page: https://www.teamfdi.com/rx111
- Make it pretty. Here’s an overview on the value of employing thoughtfully designed tools to improve UX which can lead to more productive, responsive and empowered employees enterprise-wide. (https://zd.net/1HGvpke) via ZDNet.com
- No freakin’ frills. The four challenges of developing for the IoT simply stated in a 2 minute read. (https://bit.ly/1N3wuiK) via Tech.co
- Charging your watch? Ain’t nobody got time for that. A group of UK scientists started showing off new super energy-efficient touchscreen technology they claim will get you even more quality time with smart phones and wearables. (https://bit.ly/1TkAFL4) via MarketBusinessNews.com
- Pi that sold like hot cakes. Raspberry Pi’s new $5 Pi Zero sold out in less than 24 hours. Boasting comparable power to that of a 2005 laptop, the board is doing big things for developers’ appetites worldwide. (https://bit.ly/1TkBIdY) via ARStechnica.com
- On the brink of its formal merger with NXP, Freescale announced this week an IoT chip that’s ‘as thin as a blade of grass’. (https://bit.ly/1YIe8eE) via eWeek.com
- A Kazakhstanian scholar published an open-call paper inviting us to all jump in and explore the concept of recognizing devices as members of the community. She’s calling it the “Society of Things.” You first. (https://bit.ly/1HiwtKZ) via Cogent.